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Amit Rajput, Ayush Divyansh, K. P. Shanmugadas, “Numerical Investigation of combustion process in a Lean Burn Gas Turbine Fuel Injector”, Proceedings of the ASME 2024, Turbomachinary Technical conference and Exposition London, 2024, GT2024-128456.

Vivek Sahu, Preetam Jamod, Shanmugadas K.P., “Characterization of the Swirl Velocity Field and Atomization Processes of a Lean Burn Gas Turbine Fuel Injector”, Proceedings of the ASME 2024, Turbomachinary Technical conference and Exposition London, 2024, GT2024-129150.



Vatsal Tyagi, Ayush Divyansh, Preetam Jamod, K. P. Shanmugadas, “Design And  Numerical Analysis Of A Lean Burn Combustor Liner Inlet For Micro-Gas Turbine Engine Applications”, Proceedings of the ASME 2023, Gas Turbine India 2023, GTIndia2023-118472.

Shivam Uniyal, Preetam Jamod, Saket Singh, Ayush Divyansh Shanmugadas K.P., “Numerical Simulation and Aerodynamics of a Fuel Flexible Injector for Micro-Gas Turbine Engines”, Proceedings of the ASME 2023, Gas Turbine India 2023, GTIndia2023-118428.

Abhishek Verma, Preetam Jamod, Shanmugadas K.P., Shivam Uniyal, Ayush Divyansh, “Internal and External Flow Characteristics on Variation of Swirl Strength for a Fuel Flexible Injector for Micro Gas Turbine Engines”, Proceedings of the ASME 2023, Gas Turbine India 2023, GTindia2023-118470.

Nivedita Shahi, Ayush Divyansh, Vatsal Tyagi, Shanmugadas K.P., “Numerical Investigation On The Optimization Of Angled Effusion Holes Of Liner Assembly Of Micro Gas Turbine Engine Combustor”, Proceedings of the ASME 2023, Gas Turbine India 2023, GTIndia2023-118466

Prashant Singh, Amit Rajput, Abhishek Verma, Preetam Jamod, Shanmugadas K P, “Experimental Investigation of aerodynamics in a fuel flex injector using Particle Velocimetry Imaging”, Proceedings of the 10th International and 50th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP), 2023. FMFP2023-194.

Vikash Garg, Preetam Jamod, Vivek Sahu, Prashant Singh, K.P. Shanmugadas, “Characterization of Injector aero dynamics in lean burn micro gas turbine engine combustors", Proceedings of the 10th International and 50th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP), 2023. FMFP2023-193

Shrey Srivastava, Nandani Gupta , Ayush Divyansh K.P. Shanmugadas, “Numerical Investigation of Spray Characteristics for Main Atomizer of Lean Burn Gas Turbine Fuel Injector”, Proceedings of the 10th International and 50th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP), 2023. FMFP2023-524.

Nandani Gupta , Shrey Shrivastava , Preetam Jamod , Shanmugadas K.P, "Numerical investigation of Spray characteristics of lean-burn gas turbine injector" , Proceedings of the 10th International and 50th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP), FMFP2023–520.

Sayan Patra,Shanmugadas K P, " Numerical Study on Flow Through Gas Turbine Combustor Diffuser, Proceedings of the 10th International and 50th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP), FMFP2023–195.



Ayush Divyansh, Preetam Jamod  and K. P. Shanmugadas , Development of Advanced Fuel Injector Concepts for Compact Lean-Burn Gas-Turbine Combustors, Proceedings of the 9th International and 49th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP), December 14-16, 2022, IIT Roorkee.

Preetam Jamod, Ayush Divyansh, and K. P. Shanmugadas,  Internal and External Aerodynamics of a Lean-Burn Gas Turbine Fuel Injector, Proceedings of the 9th International and 49th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP), December 14-16, 2022, IIT Roorkee.

Vivek Sahu, Devin Chugh, Deepanshu Mittal, Shanmugadas K P, Effect of Secondary Swirl Strength on the External Aerodynamics of a Gas Turbine Fuel Injector, Proceedings of the 9th International and 49th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP), December 14-16, 2022, IIT Roorkee.

Aditi Sharma , Bikash Mahato , Ganesh P.  and K. P Shanmugadas, Investigation of the liquid sheet breakup dynamics in like-on-unlike impinging injectors, Proceedings of the 9th International and 49th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP), December 14-16, 2022, IIT Roorkee.

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